
AMF Spherical seat washer DIN6319C

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Spheric. washer DIN 6319CM10 AMF Spheric. washer DIN 6319CM10 ERIKS Item #: 12743022

Catalogue item no 1: 39100120

Catalogue item no 2: 39100120-1

Price (Per piece):
Spheric. washer DIN 6319CM12 AMF Spheric. washer DIN 6319CM12 ERIKS Item #: 12743023

Catalogue item no 1: 39100130

Catalogue item no 2: 39100130-1

Price (Per piece):
Spheric. washer DIN 6319CM20 AMF Spheric. washer DIN 6319CM20 ERIKS Item #: 12743026

Catalogue item no 1: 39100160

Catalogue item no 2: 39100160-1

Price (Per piece):
Spheric. washer DIN 6319CM24 AMF Spheric. washer DIN 6319CM24 ERIKS Item #: 12743027

Catalogue item no 1: 39100170

Catalogue item no 2: 39100170-1

Price (Per piece):
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