
RX P-20 industrial paper RX Fiber® blue

Product documents

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Product overview


- 2-ply paper is significantly stronger than one-layer and better suited for lighter cleaning.- All grades are glued and thus wet strength and highly absorbent.- The white cellulose rolls are excellent for precision work (less fluff).- The blue rollers

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Dispensing paper 2-layers blue RX-P-20 MIDI 160mx20cm 450pc RX Dispensing paper 2-layers blue RX-P-20 MIDI 160mx20cm 450pc ERIKS Item #: 12038360

Catalogue item no 1: RX-P-20 MIDI-T

Catalogue item no 2: PPE0050009

Price (Per piece):
RX-P-20 CB Dispenser, paper 2 layers, blue, 42x33 cm RX RX-P-20 CB Dispenser, paper 2 layers, blue, 42x33 cm ERIKS Item #: 12360048

Catalogue item no 1: RX-P-20 CB

Catalogue item no 2: PPE0050010

Price (Per per box):
RX-P-20 FS1000-T Dispensing paper 2-layers, blue, 360mx23cm 1000pc RX RX-P-20 FS1000-T Dispensing paper 2-layers, blue, 360mx23cm 1000pc ERIKS Item #: 12406826

Catalogue item no 1: RX-P-20 FS1000-T

Catalogue item no 2: PPE0050008

Price (Per package):
50 package per package
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Length (mm)
Width (mm)
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