
LEGRIS Joining Clips series 7000

Product documents

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Product overview

Material: Technopolymer
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Joining Clips Polymer 7000 00 04 LEGRIS Joining Clips Polymer 7000 00 04 ERIKS Item #: 23566941

Catalogue item no 1: 7000 00 04

Price (Per piece):
50 piece per package
Joining Clips Polymer 7000 00 05 LEGRIS Joining Clips Polymer 7000 00 05 ERIKS Item #: 23566942

Catalogue item no 1: 7000 00 05

Price (Per piece):
50 piece per package
Joining Clips Polymer 7000 00 06 LEGRIS Joining Clips Polymer 7000 00 06 ERIKS Item #: 23566943

Catalogue item no 1: 7000 00 06

Price (Per piece):
50 piece per package
Material: Technopolymer
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