
HALDER Soft-faced hammer Simplex

Product documents

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Soft-faced hammer head SIMPLEX 30mm TPE-Soft HALDER Soft-faced hammer head SIMPLEX 30mm TPE-Soft ERIKS Item #: 14591257

Catalogue item no 1: 67861030

Price (Per piece):
Soft-faced hammer head SIMPLEX 40mm TPE-Soft HALDER Soft-faced hammer head SIMPLEX 40mm TPE-Soft ERIKS Item #: 14591259

Catalogue item no 1: 67861040

Price (Per piece):
Soft-faced hammer head SIMPLEX 50mm TPE-Soft HALDER Soft-faced hammer head SIMPLEX 50mm TPE-Soft ERIKS Item #: 14591261

Catalogue item no 1: 67861050

Price (Per piece):
Soft-faced hammer head SIMPLEX 60mm TPE-Soft HALDER Soft-faced hammer head SIMPLEX 60mm TPE-Soft ERIKS Item #: 14591263

Catalogue item no 1: 67861060

Price (Per piece):
Soft-faced hammer head SIMPLEX TPE-soft 80mm abrasion-resistant, soft HALDER Soft-faced hammer head SIMPLEX TPE-soft 80mm abrasion-resistant, soft ERIKS Item #: 14591253

Catalogue item no 1: 67861080

Price (Per piece):
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